Rosedean Shetland Cattle

Health Status

Bovine TB

Scotland is deemed to be free from bTB. The Rosedean herd has never been required to routinely test and has never had a breakdown.

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)

The Scottish Government is supporting an ambitious industry-led scheme to eradicate BVD from Scotland. We have tested in accordance with the Scheme and have always been BVD negative.

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Leptospirosis, Johnes Disease and Neospora

In 2015, all eligible cattle in the Rosedean herd tested negative for IBR, Lepto and Johnes Disease. Neospora was not tested for.

In June 2021, all eligible cattle in the herd tested negative for all four diseases.

Premium Cattle Health Scheme

The herd is now registered with PCHS and is working towards accreditation.

Clostridial Disease

We currently use Bravoxin 10 to protect our breeding cows and calves from clostridial disease.