Rosedean Shetland Cattle

Cattle for sale

Rosedean Braw HB No. 21

Dun bull, born 11th October 2021; by Stackyard Ace of Spaces, out of Beadies Blizzard.
Braw (or Buster, as he’s known) is birth notified with the Shetland Cattle Herd Book and will be fully registered prior to sale.
For sale at weaning in May 2022.

We don’t normally keep bull calves entire; in ten years, we have sold two for breeding. However, we have decided to keep Buster entire and sell him for breeding.

There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, he is in himself an attractive and engaging calf. He is robust and energetic. Secondly, his dam is a very good cow indeed and we think she is an excellent bull mother. Buster is her tenth calf; her calves grow well; she is milky, maternal and has an excellent temperament. Now in her tenth lactation, she has a very good udder, legs, feet and locomotion. We have never retained a bull calf from her before.

If you are interested in purchasing Rosedean Braw atwenaing, please do get in touch by email

Rosedean Braw, three months.

Rosedean Braw, three months.

If you are interested in purchasing Shetland cattle, please see the Marketplace on the website of the Shetland Cattle Herd Book Society